August 13, 2015
Ann Marie: Briarcrest Christian Schools High School Senior Photographer
Ann Marie: Briarcrest Christian Schools High School Senior Photographer
Come meet Ann Marie, Briarcrest Christian Schools Class of 2015. Yep, she’s already graduated, and she’s all moved in at GBO. All the Volunteer fans will know what that means :). Anyway, I can’t even remember how Annesdale Mansion came up–I think Ann Marie’s mother suggested the location. I contacted the folks at the Mansion and coordinated all the details. It was an AMAZING spot for Ann Marie’s high school senior photos. It’s located in the heart of Memphis, and it is a very popular spot for many Memphis weddings. It is total eye candy for a photographer to photograph, that’s for sure. At any rate, we met there, and we had a very hard time deciding if we were going to spend our time photographing indoors/outdoors/or both. Since it was Ann Marie’s portraits, I really wanted her to make the call. She decided she wanted outdoors, so that’s what we did.
The skies threatened rain (we took these back in April). I’m happy to report we stayed dry, thank goodness. Ann Marie is stunning, and had some totally cute outfits picked out that made her happy and some that made her mom happy. I could have photographed Ann Marie at at the mansion forever, but we made the most of our time there for sure.
I know Ann Marie is going to do great things in college! I’m looking forward to my next session(s) out there at Annesdale Mansion.
Til next time!
Blessings and Peace,
Thought for the day:
Colossians 3:12
Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Cindy Thymius is a Memphis high school senior photographer. For more information about booking your Memphis baby, children, family, maternity, engagement, wedding, or fall family portrait session, contact her at [email protected]. Cindy Thymius has been a professional photographer since 2003. Contact her at 901-592-8080
INSTAGRAM: cindybthymiusphotography
TWITTER: @cindy_thymius
Interested in finding out more about Annesdale Mansion, a popular venue for Memphis weddings, click here: LINK