November 3, 2014
Haley’s Collierville High School Senior Photo Session
Haley’s Collierville High School Senior Photo Session
I first met Haley when I took her SFMS cheer photos waaaay back when. It’s hard to believe these guys are seniors now. I was thrilled when Haley herself contacted me and wanted me to take her high school senior photos. We decided to meet up at the Collierville Town Square. The thing I love most about photographing at the Collierville Town Square is that my sessions there are never the same. I really try to look for new places!
Haley is beautiful! It’s just that simple. One thing I always try to keep in mind when working with today’s high school seniors is this: they are still in high school. They have time to look older and be older. I don’t believe in making them be more “advanced” than what they are. I believe in preserving their true beauty. What does that mean? It means they show up in their own clothes, their own make up, their own hairstyles. It means when they look at their own photo years from now down the road…they will see the true character of who they were at that time. My job is to make their portrait as unique as they are, reflecting who they are at that time. I would never want my daughter to look like something or someone she isn’t, so why would I want to make these high school teens look like someone they aren’t? I feel very strongly about this.
I had a very difficult time narrowing down H’s image selections for the blog post. I think I loved every single one. Thank you guys for trusting me to take photos of one of the most important and memorable times of your lives. I can’t wait to see where the next chapter of your life takes you!
Blessings and Peace,
thought for the day:
2 Timothy 1:13
Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me- a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.
Cindy Thymius is a Memphis high school senior photographer. For more information about booking your Memphis baby, children, family, maternity, engagement, wedding, or fall family portrait session, contact her at [email protected]. Cindy Thymius has been a professional photographer since 2003. Contact her at 901-854-8836
INSTAGRAM: cindybthymiusphotography
TWITTER: @cindy_thymius