July 29, 2014 / cindybthymius

Memphis Baby Photographer: Adoption

Meet W, and come see his Memphis Baby Photographer: Adoption blog post!

Actually, if I was to start this blog off properly, I’d start off when I met K for the very first time. I doubt she’d remember it, but it was at church. I was taking photos at a children’s program, and she was in the front row. I assumed she was there for one of her kiddos, but she was actually volunteering to help. She had lots of “adopted kids” she was taking care of, but none she could take home at night to call her own. I remember how horrible I felt after I asked her if she had any children and the instant pain I saw on her face. I know God knows our deepest desires and wants. He answers in His own time.

Several months later, I saw on FB where she suddenly received a call and overnight she and D had a baby boy to love. She called me up to schedule a photo session, and I couldn’t be happier for her and D.

Then, today, I was with other members of our church family when the news became official…baby W is officially adopted. Wahoo.

When I sat down tonight to blog, baby W was next in line. How fitting! I couldn’t wait to share this family’s awesome news and give God glory for answered prayers.

Here’s W’s debut on the blog. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about his awesome journey into the world thus far.

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

Cindy Thymius is a Memphis baby photographer. She photographs newborns at her home photography studio located outside of Memphis, TN. She is also a Memphis children’s photographer and a Memphis family photographer. If you are looking for a Memphis engagement photographer or a Memphis wedding photographer or a Memphis high school senior photographer, be sure to call her at 901-854-8836 to inquire about availability. Be sure to e-mail Memphis photographer Cindy Thymius at [email protected]

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SITE: www.cbtphotography.com
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INSTAGRAM: cindy_thymius
TWITTER: @cindy_thymius
GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+Cbtphotography