August 15, 2012 / cindybthymius

Memphis family, twin, and baby portrait fun!

This blog post features a photography session with twins, a baby, and family portraits in the Memphis area! You’re in for a treat on the blog today!! Serious cuteness alert!

Whenever I blog this family, I always get asked, “Is that little boy’s hair real, or did you photoshop it?” I promise…it’s real! I never tire of seeing this sweet family! I’ve been photographing them ever since the twins were two weeks old! When sister came along, more fun to photograph! For this session, I traveled to L’s mom’s home in Germantown, TN. Somehow we managed to time it just right when her azaleas were in bloom. Oh, in case I haven’t mentioned it, L’s mom ALWAYS comes along for the sessions with the kids. We couldn’t do it without her!

Thanks for another GREAT portrait session T Family!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Pslam 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God