February 1, 2013 / cindybthymius

Memphis High School Senior Pictures {Reps Needed}

I can’t believe it’s already February! It’s past time to get my Memphis High School Senior Pictures Reps together! One thing I learned this past year from working with high school seniors in the Shelby County TN area (as well as in Mississippi and Arkansas) is there a VERY BIG misconception when it comes to scheduling high school senior pictures.

My son/daughter MUST use the school photographer for the casual photos

Fact: No, your son or daughter must use the school photographer for the cap and gown photos (or any photo you want in the yearbook)

Essentially, any portrait you want in your home of your high school senior can be taken in anywhere. I’d love the opportunity to take these for you.

Right now, I am recruting a SELECT FEW high school senior reps from area schools. If you know a current JUNIOR who will be a 2014 graduate, please have him/her contact me about becoming a rep! There’s lots of GREAT perks! More information will be provided once the student is accepted to becoming a rep.

I’ll need reps for a lot of the schools: Houston High School (limited availability), Collierville High School, Germantown High School, Arlington High School, Cordova High School, FACS, Briarcrest, St. Georges, St. Agnes, Hutchinson, MUS. High schools in Mississippi and Arkansas also qualify. Even if you don’t see your high school listed here, I’d love to work with you!

For information on becoming a senior rep, contact Cindy ASAP at 901-854-8836 or at [email protected]

Check out these 2013 seniors (and click this link for some photos of 2012 seniors). https://cbtphotography.com/blog/memphis-high-school-senior-portraits/

I hope to work with you!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.