March 19, 2012 / cindybthymius

Memphis On Location Natural Light Newborn Photography

Hi Guys! So sorry for my blogging absence last week! As you may have noticed, it was the county school’s spring break, and all my extra time I decided to spend with my kiddos. You can’t blame me for that, right?

Well, I hate to break this news to the ladies, but the majority of the newborns I have been photographing recently have been BOYS!! Now, I do have some girl newborns to blog, but if you love boy babies, be prepared. I don’t know what people in Memphis have been drinking, but there are a LOT of babies being born lately. I’m so blessed to photograph so many of them. Thank you! This next blog post features a family I’ve been photographing since 2008! They have certainly touched my heart in many ways, and I’ve loved hearing how God worked in their lives. When Mrs. H e-mailed me and told me they were expecting again, I was thrilled. I can’t wait to document this little guy’s year for them!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
James 1:19
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

memphis on location natural light newborn photographymemphis newborn photographermemphis newborn photographymemphis infant photographymemphis infant photographermemphis baby photographymemphis baby photographer