May 15, 2014 / cindybthymius

Picking out Clothes for your Family’s Photo Session with your Memphis Photographer

If I were to title this post anything, it would be “How do I decide what to wear for my family’s photo session once I’ve scheduled it with my Memphis photographer?” As a mom of a boy…it is SO CHALLENGING to get him to wear ANYTHING that isn’t basketball shorts and a t-shirt. (Right now, moms in the audience are probably nodding their heads in agreement!) So, what do you do when it’s time to schedule your photo session, and you’re trying to figure out what to put your boys in????

A little back story on this client is she used to be a photographer herself. So, she had a great idea of how she wanted to mix and match solids and patterns for her family. Mixing and matching is very tricky. I always say simple is best. Kids can usually get a way with busier patterns because their bodies are more forgiving than an adult’s *insert wink here*

My other piece of advice is to start with mom’s outfit. Let’s face it…if mom feels like she looks great…then EVERYONE is happy. I then suggest placing mom’s outfit on the bed; then, put everyone else’s outfit around it. If it’s pleasing to the eye there, then it’ll probably look great in the session.

Be on the lookout for other great “what to wear for my photo session tips” coming up in the future! I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post! Aren’t these kiddos and family precious? I can’t imagine having a family of ALL BOYS. She handled it with ease.

til next time!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.

Cindy Thymius is a Memphis photographer of baby, family, children, maternity, engagements and wedding. To schedule your Memphis TN photo session, call Cindy at 901-854-8866. E-mail her at [email protected] if you are interested in booking a memphis photography session with her. You can also view her facebook page at or her memphis site at Check this blog out for more ideas for your memphis photo session and what to wear for your next photo appointment.