February 28, 2013 / cindybthymius

{Alexis} Memphis high school senior pictures

Come meet Alexis (not Amanda…inside joke!) Alexis is one of my Memphis high school senior pictures representatives this year. I’m so excited that we had the oportunity to meet up recently for this set. Alexis is going to be a 2014 graduate from Houston High School. Honestly, it just doesn’t seem possible that she is going to graduate. It seems just like yesterday I was taking her cheer photos at Schilling Farms Middle School. Well, I’ve known this family for quite a while now. I first met them through my neighbor. Who would have known that years later we would end up in the same Sunday School class at church. It’s wonderful how God works!

Anyway, Alexis is undecided where she wants to attend school, but if my memory serves me correctly, she is thinking along the lines of pharmacy. This was probably my first real time I’ve gotten to work with Alexis though we’ve met other times for family photos and such. It’s a bit different when ALL the focus is on YOU. I really tried to keep in mind what mom would like in addition to what A would like too. I loved going through her “closet in the backseat” and helping her decide what to wear. We met up for this set right off the Collierville Town Square. It’s amazing what you can find when you look for things no one else does. (Oh, and a special shout-out to the B Family for letting us invade their home for just a few shots.)

After the shoot, A later told me what a GREAT time she had. She said I made her so comfortable in front of the camera. When we were going through the gallery, I was so happy that she found so many that she just loved; music to my ears! I’m showing a lot of these in black and white since A loved a lot of these in black and white. I think the lace and textures in the photos really lend themselves well to the black and white process.

You’re gorgeous, A, on the inside and out! I can’t wait to see what God does in your life.

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Galations 6:9
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

See more Memphis high school senior photography pictures here: LINK