October 11, 2012 / cindybthymius

Baby photographers collierville tn {Baby Nathalie}

This is a baby photographers Collierville TN blog post. Come meet baby Nathalie. I have been photographing this family for the past few years. In fact, I took Mrs. B’s maternity photos when she was pregnant with her first child, Ethan, and I think he’s four now! It’s been my absolute blessing to photograph all of Mrs. B’s baby photos. Nathalie makes #3! Mrs. B. gave us quite a scare after she had Nathalie. It’s by God’s grace that Mrs. B. is still with us after being hospitalized after having Nathalie. I was so happy when I came over to take these photos, and Mrs. B. wanted to be in the photos. What a great way to celebrate and thank God for his grace and mercy, and these photos will serve as a wonderful reminder of how precious life really is.

Thanks for your continued loyalty and support through the years B Family!!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Psalm 37:7
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.

PS: Taken with the 20D!

For more Memphis baby photography, visit: LINK