October 25, 2010 / cindybthymius

Covenant Baptist Church’s Fall Festival

It’s hard to believe that Fall Festival time is almost here!  I’m excited to invite you to our church’s fall festival this Sunday, October 31 from 3:00-5:30.  Covenant Baptist Church is located at 3170 Houston Levee Road in Collierville (next to Landers Ford and Lifetime Fitness).  Our church has been planning and praying for this event, and we hope you and your children can join us!  Some of the activities planned include a trunk or treat followed by activities all ages can enjoy. Children and youth will be able to enjoy various age appropriate games, bounce house, and rock climbing wall.   Come enjoy live music and a cakewalk!  The event is for all ages and the entire community is invited. There is no charge for admission. Visit the website: www.covenantontheweb.org to find out more about Covenant’s worship schedule, Sunday school time, and other church activities.  

And, I rarely post personal photos, but here are my children enjoying our fall festival from last year xoxo

Blessings and Peace,
