January 31, 2013 / cindybthymius

International Down Syndrome Coalition, Katie Kalsi, Sarah Conant: Project

Oh, goodness. Where do I begin with this blog post? I don’t know why I continue to be amazed at God’s handiwork, but I’m pretty amazed at how He orchestrated events to make this project come together.

Please, allow me, a little background story, so our God can receive all the glory in this story.

A few weeks ago, Marti Watson with Travel Leaders & Cruises requested a need for a COLLIERVILLE CHILDREN’S PHOTOGRAPHER for her friend Kim Colletta, with Colletta Graphix in Collierville, TN. Well, I can’t delve into my little project with Kim Colletta yet (I am VERY excited about it; look for blog post later about it)…BUT during this project, I had the opportunity to meet Kim Olivito and Jon Stamps. Kim’s family and Jon’s family each have a child with Down Syndrome. The next thing I knew Diane Grover with International Down Syndrome called me for a photo shoot for images to be used for a VIDEO that TREVOR EARTH PRODUCTIONS was producing for DOWN SYNDROME DAY, which is March 21.

SO MANY PEOPLE contributed to making this photo shoot happen!

Of course, our DOWN SYNDROME model ME

Designer and artist KATIE KALSI who created the art and purse used in the shoot. Check out Katie’s site here: www.katiekalsi.com

Composer, Vocalist, Recording Artist SARAH CONANT whose song will be featured in the International Down Syndome Coalition Video: Check out Sarah’s site here: http://www.sarahconant.tv/

So, wow! I’m pretty speechless at how these events came together. I love how God can move mountains if we just let Him.

Below is a SNEAK PEEK of some images shot earlier this week in downtown Memphis to celebrate Down Syndrome Day. I urge you to PLEASE look at the International Down Syndrome Coalition site. To quote their tag line “all life is precious” couldn’t ring any more true in my heart. Their site: http://www.theidsc.org/

Be on the lookout for more images from THIS SHOOT and MORE TO COME for the video.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this connection happen!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Proverbs 15:13
A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.

Visit Memphis Photographer site here: LINK