June 5, 2012 / cindybthymius

Memphis Bridal Portrait Wedding Photographer

Come meet Lauren! She made a stunning bride this past Saturday. I could not wait any longer to show her bridal portraits!! Lauren knew exactly where she wanted to have her bridal portraits taken. She chose a beautiful estate home in Eads. Prior to the session, I met Lauren and Mrs. T.,the owner of the home, and we discussed potential places to photograph Lauren’s portraits. On the day of the bridal session, Lauren’s mother and Mrs. T. joined us for the session. Poor Lauren! She had three mother hens (that’s me, too) hovering over her, doting over her, and making sure she looked fabulous! I don’t think words could adequately describe in a blog post how blessed Lauren is to have two amazing women in her life: her mother and Mrs. T. They are both wise and encouraging women. I think anyone who is around these two women are blessed, really. I know I was!

Mrs. T. was such a gracious host. Whatever we needed for the session, she moved, rearranged, and assisted. She really wanted Lauren’s portraits to be perfect. We moved from place to place, and I hope Lauren felt like a princess. She sure looks like one. I really tried to capture the feel Lauren wanted for the portraits. I think everyone loved how they turned out!

I will post several blog posts about her beautiful wedding in the coming weeks, but I did include a teaser from her June wedding! I chose this image because she and Chase are signing their marriage certificate for everyone to see. Until then!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Ephesians 5:24-25
Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.