April 30, 2012 / cindybthymius

Memphis Photographer: Changes!

You may have noticed the blog is getting a facelift! Pardon my mess as I find time to edit and fine tune. I’m so excited to have an updated blog that offers more social media functions! I’ve set up a twitter account (if you’re interested in hearing my random thoughts) and added it to the blog. Additionally, clients can now “pin” their favorite images on pinterest! Next, the new template offers facebook sharing. This option is perfect if you want to share the blog post with friends. Finally, both the website and blog will be cell phone friendly. The website function upgrade is on its way, but this blog should already have that capability. I hope to find time to share recent sessions this week as I utilize my new blog. I hope you enjoy!

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Romans 10:13
For Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.