August 23, 2010 / cindybthymius

Memphis Senior Photography

As a photographer, I am often asked to photograph a wide array of clients here in Memphis from expectant mothers, infants, children, toddlers, tweens, teens, seniors, families, brides, weddings, sports portraits, commercial clients, pets…you name it!  This particular senior session was a lot of fun, even though I think we picked the absolute hottest day in Memphis to do them.   This senior had a charming sense of humor, and I really had to hold my laughter during our session.  He just graduated from Germantown High School, and mom (a dear, sweet friend!) wanted something different than the standard studio option that it seems most high schools must use for their cap and gown senior portrait.  When I receive calls like this, I tell parents that there is no additional charge for outfit changes (though he was a guy, it was hot outside, and he opted not to have an outfit change).  I think local high school seniors should have choices and options if they want them when it comes to getting their high school portraits made, don’t you?

If you are a senior in the Memphis area, contact me and ask about becoming a representative for your school.  Seniors at Collierville High School, Germantown High School, Houston High School, Briarcrest Christian Schools, Arlington High School, White Station High School, Memphis City High Schools, Desoto County MS High Schools, Shelby County TN High Schools, Evangelical Christian Schools (ECS), Southern Baptist Educational Schools (SBEC), St George’s Independent Schools, St. Mary’s Episcopal School, Hutchinson School, Memphis University School, MidSouth TN High Schools, Public and Private High Schools in Tennessee and Mississippi and Arkansas can inquire.

Blessings and Peace,
