November 15, 2010 / cindybthymius

Memphis Teen Photographer

Oh, goodness, where do I begin with this post?  I think you’d better grab your Kleenex!  Several weeks ago, J’s mom contacted me because their family wanted some updated photos of him.   The initial e-mail stated that J had bicholear implants, and I had no idea at the time the other health issues that J faces.  As soon as we made the appointment, J’s mom e-mailed me and told me how much J was looking forward to our appointment, and my heart melted before I even met him!  Fast forward to the day of the session, and J was such a sweet young man.  We all walked across many acres to get J’s images, and it was at that point I learned how challenging J’s health really is.  He doesn’t just face hearing dificulties…For all my prayer warrior friends, J and his family could really use your prayers in the coming months as they go through more surgeries to keep J going.  In the meantime, I felt so honored to photograph J and his big ol smile and his even bigger heart.

May you be blessed today and always,
