April 6, 2012 / cindybthymius

Reflections on a Good Friday

I really didn’t think I was going to get to this blog post this week in the midst of life. You know the kind that devil uses to break down every good intention you have of praising God and singing out His goodness to all those within hearing. I think every spare moment of my life this week has been spent: working, volunteering, attending soccer games, doing laundry, worrying about my Dad in ICU, praying for my “second” daughter who is having a major heart surgery, celebrating an anniversary to an amazing husband, playing with my kids, making dinner, cleaning messes….shall I go on? It’s a lot.

I don’t know about you, but I often wonder how unsaved people have hope in this world. Even as a believer, it can be so difficult to have hope in the midst of storms, trials, life, and everyday living. But believers serve a risen Savior! We have hope because the tomb was empty. Even on the darkest days, we must remember that God has a specific plan for our life that calls for days of happiness, days of strife, times of hurting, and times of pain. No one wants to go through those valleys, but, man! Those valleys can take us to some breathtaking views if we just allow ourselves to be pliable to God’s will.

I am always amazed (though I shouldn’t be!) at how God’s divine will for my life carries out despite all of my mistakes, wrong turns, and wrong choices. On days I worry about things that are out of my control, I hear the perfect song on a radio, receive an encouraging e-mail, or someone lets me know s/he is praying for me. I believe all of those are orchestrated by God. He knows our needs because we are all special in His eyes.

He didn’t need to send His one and only son to save us, but He did because that’s how much He loves us. In the midst of your trials, your heart doesn’t have to be empty, and your life doesn’t have to be without hope. You can find more love and hope than you’ll ever need waiting in the arms of our Heavenly Father.

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Luke 24:2
Matthew 28:6

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.