November 1, 2013 / cindybthymius

Super Zero?

So last night, many of us went trick-or-treating with our children, or we helped serve our community by volunteering at churches. I delayed in finding a costume because I honestly had zero time between working more hours than any one man can count, volunteering, attending my kids activities, well I could go on, but I won’t.

I ended up wearing my daughter’s costume from last year because it was easy, and it fit :). I went as “Super Girl” or “Superwoman”

Oh, those are pretty powerful words right there.

Don’t we all want to feel like we are SUPER at just life?

Most of the comments I received were positive even if several did look at me as if I was a little crazy or avant-garde for wearing such a preposterous costume.

The reality is…it is sort of preposterous to think we can be SUPER at anything.

It was fitting that I ended up wearing this costume, though. I do tend to feel like I can do it all, that I must to do it all because I HAVE to do it all. How else would it all get done?

I just had a conversation with a dear friend earlier this week about how moms wear all hats and no one knows how many things we juggle at one time. It’s sort of impossible. Actually, it IS impossible. I am about as SUPER anything as a wet piece of paper. We all know how sturdy a wet piece of paper is.

The reality is I have LOTS of people praying for me: my husband, my children, my family, my friends, people I know, prayer warriors, angels… sometimes I know they are praying for me, and sometimes I don’t know when they are. Truthfully, it’s God’s almighty power flowing through those prayers that make me be something at all. I’m nothing without Him. I can’t function without Him. I can’t do anything without Him.

We are fools to think we can do it all on our own. God seems to keep reminding me that I need help, for I seem to keep having this conversation over and over with lots of people in my life.

So in honor of all the moms out there who are trying to be SUPERMOM or all the folks who are trying to be SUPER at just life. STOP.

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Now THAT statement is empowering. It’s not me, not I, not you, not anyone. It’s Christ.

And, yeah, apparently I needed another reminder last night as I donned the costume. I’m thankful I’m STARTING to realize who really empowers me. Psalm 121:Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord.

So…here’s to being Super Zero!

Blessings and Peace,