January 1, 2013 / cindybthymius

Unexpected Detours–2013

As I thought about what to blog for my New Year’s Day blog post, I can only think back to the last week of my life. If you are like me, I take a lot of comfort in structure, planning, and schedules because there is safety in those things. I can’t say I had lot of any of that as a child (structure or otherwise), and I guess that’s why I value it so much as an adult.

This past week, my children and I took a trip back home to care for my ailing dad and brother. I have a tender heart, and I love to give more than to receive. In fact, I love giving…and I hate receiving. Receiving makes me feel helpless and not in control. I hate that feeling. That old saying…it’s much better to give than to receive…resonates strong in my heart.

Leave it to God to do things His way. I had some unexpected detours. Some unplanned events. Even when I went with the “unplanned events” they still didn’t proceed as I thought they should.

And that is where I begin with 2013.

We are going to make plans…but God is going to take us on Unexpected Detours. It’s those detours that will teach us the things God wants us to learn. It’s a hard lesson for someone like me who takes such comfort in structure. And, if you are like me, a busy mom working full time, volunteering, who has two active kids, you rely on that structure.

It was a good wake up call. This life on earth…it’s temporary. It’s these detours that God leads us on to help us to trust in Him so we can grow in Him. Too much self reliance is a bad thing. It’s a lesson I keep learning…a lot!

I don’t know what you have “planned” for 2013…but I think God has some Unexpected Detours in store for me this year.

Thanks for reading my personal thoughts on what 2013 has in store for me. Look for another blog post on the business side of 2013. I look forward to continuing to serve you as your photographer and friend! Dare I say…lots of great things “planned” for the year 🙂

Blessings and Peace,

Thought for the day:
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.